Large Camas is native to meadows from central and northern California to British Columbia, Canada.
It belongs to the genus Camassia (the Camas Lillies) and the family Lilliaceae (the Lily family).
Like all lilies, Large Camas is a true bulb. It grows new leaves in late winter/early spring, flowers and then
dies back to the bulb.
The six-petaled flowers vary in color from pale lilac or white to deep purple or blue-violet
Giant Camas | White-veined and Pink Wintergreen | Dance of Peace |
Pipsissewa | Oregon checkermallow | Lupine/Lupinus perennis |
Spring Flowers Show |
Tolmie's Pussy Ears | |
Brookings, Oregon, Azaleas and Rhododendrums | Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside |
Buck Canyon Peony Gardens | Flower Kaleidoscopes | |
Gladiolia Galleria | Fawn Lily | |
Siskiyou Iris/Golden Iris Show | Pitcher Plants/Darlingtonia/Cobra Plants |
Darlingtonia Walk on Hwy 199 |
Please check out my product shoppe on cafepress with my flower photos on mugs, calendars and more |
All photographs and web design by Kay Ekwall ©2009-2021 and may be used by permission only